Basic PHP Laravel Development
Get from zero to proficiency in the Laravel Framework! Course for beginners and intermediate students!
361 students enrolled
Learning Outcomes
Course Outline
- Introduction
- What is Laravel?
- MVC Framework
- What is Laravel?
- Laravel Installation
- Setting up Laravel Environment, tools (VS Code), Xampp Installation
- Composer Installation
- Creating a Laravel Project, installing a specific Laravel version
- Heroku setup for Laravel
- Laravel File Structure Overview
- Introduction to Artisan
- Introduction to routes
- Basic Routing
- Routing Parameters (Required and Optional)
- Named Routes
- Introduction to controllers
- Overview to Controllers
- Resource Controllers
- Introduction to views
- Passing data to views
- Blade Templates
- Overview of Blade templates
- Template Inheritance
- Laravel Migrations
- Migration structure
- Commands
- Laravel Database
- Configuration and Database Settings
- Eloquent Models
- Relationships
- Tinker
- Laravel CRUD
- View Courses
- Create Courses
- Edit/Update Courses
- Delete Courses
- Create Forms (GET, POST Request)
Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components which helps in creating a web application.
Learning Outcomes
You will learn
- What is Laravel?
- MVC Framework
- Setting up Laravel environment
- Heroku setup and use
- Routing
- Controllers
- Views
- Blade Templates
- Migrations
- Databases
- Eloquent Modals
- CRUD operations
- Basic Laravel
- Application